05 February 2012

Topic Number Seven: This "Seven Topic" Attempt


Ahem.  So.  I wasn't able to do what I wanted to do with this "Seven Topics in Seven Days" experiement.  However, I've learned something along the way. 

The real number seven topic should be:  let go.

I wasn't able to do seven topics in seven days.  It just wasn't possible.  Work had me traveling to Florida, I was sick and other things were just needing my attention.  And...

That's okay.

As I move through this life (every day at a seemingly accelerated pace), I have to learn that not everything - even something as simple as blogging - is worth stressing over.

I think this is the biggest lesson of all.

It's a short topic day, but I think it carries a lot of meaning.

Happy letting go, everyone.

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