15 March 2011

Moose Jaw Minute #30: Over the River and Cross the Border

Just wanted to provide a quick update...things have been a bit busy!  I just returned from travels to Chicago and Seattle...always good to get a little dose of friends and the city!  I'll update you more on that in my next post.

I wrote recently about the fantastic (un)bachelorette weekend my sister, mom, and friends arranged and wanted to share with you the Open Hands newsletter!  It was exciting for me to read as they featured our volunteer work.  They are a fantastic organization and if you get a chance to head to Atlanta, I highly recommend a volunteer stop with them!

This weekend, we are heading off to Calgary to submit our applications and be interviewed for our NEXUS cards.  These nifty little cards will allow Dave and I to cross the border much more easily.  I don't like to think of myself as a  travel snob -- I love airports, will gladly sit in the economy seats, and have a lot of respect for those working behind the airline counters.  All that being said, however...the customs lines can be a bother, especially when the small CRJ200 flights into Chicago I take almost every month land in conjunction with large 747s coming from India and China and everywhere in between.

The NEXUS card will be a skip, hop, and jump to the red carpet line of traveling.  It will mean stamp here, go there, and see ya later in about two minutes flat.  It will mean that traveling back and forth from Canada to the United States will be that much more enjoyable.

And, hey...who doesn't like a little joy when they are traveling?  I know I do.

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